The Rising Cost of Living: Key Facts, Employers Response and Resources

An information pack that provides a summary of the areas that employers may wish to explore to support health care staff with the rising cost of living.

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Health and Wellbeing Champions

People at all levels of the NHS who promote, identify, and signpost ways to support the wellbeing of their colleagues.

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Innovative Wellness Models To Support Advancement And Retention Among Women Physicians

This scholarly publication presents three wellness-oriented models to promote the professional fulfillment and well-being of diverse groups of women physicians.

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Holistic Transcendental Leadership Model

A leadership model to enhance innovation and creativity while placing a novel emphasis on the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being at the individual, group, and organizational level.

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Stress First Aid For Health Care Workers

A framework to improve recovery from stress reactions both in oneself and in coworkers; includes manual, training materials and other resources.

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Shared Service Schedule

An alternative ICU staffing model predicted to improve continuity of care while increasing free weekends and continuity of uninterrupted nonclinical weeks for attendings.

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Bedside Learning Coordinator (BLC)

A role created to source ideas for improvement from front-line staff and take them to decision-makers who can act on them to improve standard work, and to communicate changes back to front-line staff and monitor success of implementation.

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Violence Prevention Strategies

Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies that were recommended by health workers from diverse communities in Ontario (see table 1 on p. 17-18).

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Violence And Aggression Incident Investigation Checklist

This checklist designed for employees, OSH Reps or supervisors to assist with investigation of incidents resulting from violence and aggression from clients/ residents or visitors.

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Sensory or Comfort Room

A physical space for patients that stimulates the senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste) and intends to reduce their distress and agitation.

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Healing Garden

A therapeutic space at a hospital or healthcare facility that is specifically devoted to nature content and intended to improve the wellbeing of patients, visitors and health workers.

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Trauma-Informed Workplace Assessment

lCTRI’s Trauma-Informed Workplace Assessment that takes 2-5 minutes for organizations to complete. Once completed, a detailed report is provided to organizations that will help them understand, how their organization can become more trauma-informed.

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Collective Leadership

Collective leadership which is strongly advocated by international stakeholders as a key approach for health service delivery involves multiple professionals sharing viewpoints and knowledge with the potential to influence positively the quality of care and staff well-being.

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Office of Professionalism

This initiative included the physician onboarding process; an enhanced focus on early conversations to provide feedback to physicians, and low barrier process for timely intake, assessment and remediation of identified concerns of unprofessional behavior, including bullying and harassment.

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Time-bank system

A strategy that offers credit to physicians for uncompensated work (such as mentoring or serving on committees); these credits could then be used for services or assistance that facilitate better work-life harmony.

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