Balint 2.0: A Virtual Balint Group for Doctors Around the World

A Balint group is a purposeful, regular meeting among family physicians, with a trained facilitator or leader, to allow discussion of any topic that occupies a physician's mind outside of his or her usual clinical encounters.

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Line Manager Competency Indicator Tool

Allows managers to assess whether they currently have the behaviors identified as effective for preventing and reducing stress at work

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#2022 Healthcare Workforce Rescue Package

Evidence-based actions that can support healthcare team member well-being. The first-of-its-kind list prioritizes five critical actions leaders can take now to safeguard the emotional and psychological needs of healthcare workers

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Reflective Debriefing

A protocol for regular case study/moral distress debriefings with ICU nursing staff, including an educational component in moral distress, moral efficacy, and common end-of-life issues on the ICU (social work intervention)

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Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy (MCP)

This article promotes the use Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy (MCP) (a brief, evidence-based intervention designed for patients with advanced cancer); it describes the principles underlying MCP and how it might be adapted and applied to ameliorate burnout among health care workers

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Returning to the Workplace - Resiliency Toolkit for Managers

Provides information, strategies, tips, and resources to guide managers and people leaders in their work to support employee and team well-being and resiliency

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Medical Scribes

A strategy to increase clinic workflow efficiency and reduce physician burnout; relies on the incorporation of medical assistants into electronic health record (EHR) processes.

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Flattened Hierarchy Model

A weakening of traditional hierarchies in a hospital setting that permits the delegation of tasks ‘down’ to the most invested stakeholder rather than ‘up’ to the most responsible one.

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Assaultive Staff Action Program (ASAP)

A voluntary, system-wide, peer-help, crisis intervention program to address the psychological aftermath in staff victims of patient assaults.

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Civility, Respect, Engagement in the Workforce (CREW)

A culture change initiative to improve the work climate through more civil and respectful interactions (National Center for Organization Development, United States Department of Veterans Affairs)

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Follow-up Counselling

An important step to help minimize the adverse impact of exposure to aggression from patients on nurses' mental health.

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Queer Mentorship Program

The Canadian Caucus of Queer and Trans Midwives hosts a queer mentorship program to support student midwives in Canada. Primarily this will work as an online/phone program with each mentor‑mentee pair deciding how and how often they will interact.

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BIPOC Mentorship Program

A program launched by Toronto Metropolitan University MEP for self-identified students who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour (BIPOC). This program is an opportunity for BIPOC midwives to pair, share and care with the next generation of BIPOC students.

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Health Equity Rounds (HER)

A unique interdisciplinary forum for practitioners across training levels to discuss and address the impact of structural racism and implicit bias on patient care.

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Trauma Risk Management (TRiM)

A structured peer-support process/system of risk assessment and post trauma support aimed to reduce stigma associated with help seeking; it relies on training volunteer nonmedical staff from within the organization to be TriM practitioners.

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Beyond Silence Champion Training

An evidence-based workplace mental health training course designed specifically for healthcare workers and led by trained healthcare employees with mental health experience. It combines information sharing and skill development with strategies for stigma reduction.

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Stay Interview

Stay interviews are opportunities for managers and employees to talk about what motivates an employee to stay in their role. Ultimately, the goal is to gain insight into how to keep that individual professionally fulfilled and engaged.

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Mattering describes the feeling that one makes a difference in the lives of others and has significance in one's community. Mattering is about adding value and being valued.

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