Women in Dentistry

Work, Life, Balance Group of female dentists gathered together to chat about an array of issues relevant to women in dental profession (clinical aspects, social and family life).

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#2022 Healthcare Workforce Rescue Package

Evidence-based actions that can support healthcare team member well-being. The first-of-its-kind list prioritizes five critical actions leaders can take now to safeguard the emotional and psychological needs of healthcare workers

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Returning to the Workplace - Resiliency Toolkit for Managers

Provides information, strategies, tips, and resources to guide managers and people leaders in their work to support employee and team well-being and resiliency

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Medical Scribes

A strategy to increase clinic workflow efficiency and reduce physician burnout; relies on the incorporation of medical assistants into electronic health record (EHR) processes.

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Flattened Hierarchy Model

A weakening of traditional hierarchies in a hospital setting that permits the delegation of tasks ‘down’ to the most invested stakeholder rather than ‘up’ to the most responsible one.

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Civility, Respect, Engagement in the Workforce (CREW)

A culture change initiative to improve the work climate through more civil and respectful interactions (National Center for Organization Development, United States Department of Veterans Affairs)

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On The Agenda

On the agenda is a series of free workshop materials and facilitator tools to address psychosocial factors. Create an action plan with your team to improve psychological health and safety.

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