Peer Support Drop-in Available to PEI Physicians

Peer support available for physicians - hosted by MH professionals (psychiatrists, physicians, etc.) to discuss any challenges physicians are facing MSPEI’s Physician Health Program, provided through Doctors of BC, is now hosting free drop-in COVID-19 Physician Peer Support Sessions via Zoom

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Team Huddles

A structured, brief (5-15 min) routine (daily or multiple times a day), face-to-face communication of a team’s membership; has been shown to improve patient safety by enhancing teamwork creating standardized communication processes and providing a feeling of shared responsibility.

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Commensality Groups

Commensality Groups are an evidence-based innovation to increase the sense of connection and collegiality among physicians and build comradery and meaning in work. By providing protected time for facilitated small-group discussion, improvements can be made across various dimensions of physician well-being, including meaning, empowerment, and engagement in work and reduction of distress.

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COMPASS stands for “Colleagues Meeting to Promote and Sustain Satisfaction.” Initiated by Professor of Medicine Colin West, COMPASS groups are small gatherings of about six to 10 physicians who meet every other week for an hour to discuss issues central to the physician experience.

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Battle Buddies

A psychological resilience intervention founded on a peer support model; involves pairing individuals together based on their clinical areas of practice, responsibilities, experience, seniority, and life circumstances

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How to Implement a Peer Support Program During a Crisis

A webinar that covers the importance of peer support, the fundamentals for operationalizing a peer-support program in health systems and practices, and how peer support can potentially change organizational culture – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Health and Wellbeing Conversations

Regular health and wellbeing focused conversations held by line managers/ supervisors with their staff helps to foster a positive staff experience.

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Faculty Support Calls

A program of voluntary and informal 1-hour group support video calls to help medical faculty address their challenges, listen to how they are coping, and describe lessons learned.

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Mentorship Program for Medical Students

A support for resident-students/fourth-year medical students (during their 4-week emergency medicine sub internship).

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Schwartz Rounds

A standardized rounding program designed to openly and honestly discuss social and emotional issues that health workers face in caring for patients and families.

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Wobble Room

A physical space for health workers to unwind and connect. It is open to all employees 24/7 to help release tension and recharge.

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Balint 2.0: A Virtual Balint Group for Doctors Around the World

A Balint group is a purposeful, regular meeting among family physicians, with a trained facilitator or leader, to allow discussion of any topic that occupies a physician's mind outside of his or her usual clinical encounters.

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Medical Scribes

A strategy to increase clinic workflow efficiency and reduce physician burnout; relies on the incorporation of medical assistants into electronic health record (EHR) processes.

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Health Equity Rounds (HER)

A unique interdisciplinary forum for practitioners across training levels to discuss and address the impact of structural racism and implicit bias on patient care.

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Built on the idea that “No One Cares Alone,” PeerRXMed (PeerRx) is a free program that uses a “buddy system” to provide support and guidance for physicians and other health professionals.

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