Death Cafes for Prevention of Burnout

Informal discussions focusing on death, dying, loss, grief, and illness. They allow for reflection on distressing events and offer community and collaboration among hospital employees outside of work. With Covid-19 limiting social interactions and overloading of ICUs worldwide, their virtual administration provides an innovative strategy to mitigate burnout

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How to Implement a Peer Support Program During a Crisis

A webinar that covers the importance of peer support, the fundamentals for operationalizing a peer-support program in health systems and practices, and how peer support can potentially change organizational culture – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Beyond Silence Champion Training

An evidence-based workplace mental health training course designed specifically for healthcare workers and led by trained healthcare employees with mental health experience. It combines information sharing and skill development with strategies for stigma reduction.

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Hybrid Teams

In a hybrid team, some employees work on-site and some work remotely. This article describes how to balance and effectively support the success of both sets of employees.

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