Team Huddles

A structured, brief (5-15 min) routine (daily or multiple times a day), face-to-face communication of a team’s membership; has been shown to improve patient safety by enhancing teamwork creating standardized communication processes and providing a feeling of shared responsibility.

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How to Implement a Peer Support Program During a Crisis

A webinar that covers the importance of peer support, the fundamentals for operationalizing a peer-support program in health systems and practices, and how peer support can potentially change organizational culture – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Health and Wellbeing Conversations

Regular health and wellbeing focused conversations held by line managers/ supervisors with their staff helps to foster a positive staff experience.

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Voices of Duke Health

A listening booth and podcast project that invites Duke Health providers, staff, students, trainees, patients, and visitors to have one-on-one conversations about what is meaningful in your lives, work, and relationships.

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Schwartz Rounds

A standardized rounding program designed to openly and honestly discuss social and emotional issues that health workers face in caring for patients and families.

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