Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS)

A validated curriculum for teaching interprofessional communication; used with health workers; focuses on five key principles (leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support, communication, and team structure)

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#2022 Healthcare Workforce Rescue Package

Evidence-based actions that can support healthcare team member well-being. The first-of-its-kind list prioritizes five critical actions leaders can take now to safeguard the emotional and psychological needs of healthcare workers

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Returning to the Workplace - Resiliency Toolkit for Managers

Provides information, strategies, tips, and resources to guide managers and people leaders in their work to support employee and team well-being and resiliency

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Flattened Hierarchy Model

A weakening of traditional hierarchies in a hospital setting that permits the delegation of tasks ‘down’ to the most invested stakeholder rather than ‘up’ to the most responsible one.

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Assaultive Staff Action Program (ASAP)

A voluntary, system-wide, peer-help, crisis intervention program to address the psychological aftermath in staff victims of patient assaults.

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Civility, Respect, Engagement in the Workforce (CREW)

A culture change initiative to improve the work climate through more civil and respectful interactions (National Center for Organization Development, United States Department of Veterans Affairs)

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