Allyship in Residency

This article describes the development of a 1-hour workshop aimed at helping residents understand the definition of allyship, effective allyship to patients and colleagues, and allyship differences across communities.

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VITALS tool for interupting microaggressions

This article describes the development of a 1-hour workshop designed to raise awareness of microaggressions encountered by medical students and trainees. It includes a focus on the use of the VITALS (validate, inquire, take time, assume, leave opportunities, speak up) framework when responding to microaggressions.

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ERASE-ing Patient Mistreatment of Trainees: Faculty Workshop

This article describes the development, teaching and evaluation of a stepwise approach to help faculty physicians manage patient mistreatment of trainees (residents and students). The approach is summarized by the acronym ERASE.

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REWIND Communication Tool

This article describes the development of a 1-hour workshop for residents with didactics on mistreatment in the medical learning environment. It includes a demonstration of the use of the REWIND (relax, express, why, inquire, negotiate, determine) communication tool to address mistreatment in residency.

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Forum Theater as a Teaching Tool to Combat Patient Bias

This article presents an educational activity that used an adaptation of forum theater, in which participants role-played an instance of oppression with a goal of altering the ultimate outcome. It provided them with the opportunity to develop and rehearse responses to workplace bias from patients and patient families in a way that preserved the provider-patient relationship.

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On The Agenda

On the agenda is a series of free workshop materials and facilitator tools to address psychosocial factors. Create an action plan with your team to improve psychological health and safety.

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