Drop-In Mindfulness Sessions for HCPs: Pause 4 Providers

These 30-minute online mindfulness sessions guided by Canadian health professionals invite health workers to pause and make space to cultivate well-being and self-compassion. They can be accessed live or through videos of practices.

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Returning to the Workplace-Resiliency Training for Managers: FSEAP

Provides information, strategies, tips, and resources to guide managers and people leaders in their work to support employee and team well-being and resiliency

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Transforming Healthcare Organizations

This document is intended to assist healthcare leaders to understand synergies of the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (The Standard) and LEADS and to support them in implementing both frameworks within their organizations.

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Violence Prevention Strategies: Peer Reviewed Article

Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies that were recommended by health workers from diverse communities in Ontario (see table 1 on p. 17-18).

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Workplace Well-being & Mental Health Toolkit: AHS

Evidence-based actionable strategies to help workplaces increase support for individual mental health in the workplace and improve psychological well being of all employees.

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Policy and Procedures on the Accommodation of Mental Illness: Canadian Human Rights Commission (For sampling purposes/example)

This document outlines the accommodation process and provides guidance to help managers and supervisors take proactive steps to ensure employees with mental illness are offered appropriate supports.

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Creating a Safe Space: CPSI

Best practice guidelines, tools and resources to assist policy makers, accreditation bodies, regulators and healthcare leaders assess what healthcare workers need in terms of support, and to create peer support programs.

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Mental Health In The Workplace

Educational resources to learn how to encourage and drive conversations around mental health in the workplace as well as promote long-term mental health in the workplace beyond October (Mental Health Awareness month).

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