Welcome to the Dentistry Toolkit
U of T Wellness Committee Initiatives
This committee aims to support mental health and wellbeing of dental students by having Lunch and Learns on mental health, help-seeking, and other topics. At U of T there is a lots of MH support for students (including counselling) that can help students navigate student years without spiraling.
Peer Support Initiative
Network of dentists and other health professionals (nurses, physicians) where they can share their experiences and concerns (e.g., abusive treatment by patients) can be beneficial for mental health of dental professionals.
Women in Dentistry: Work, Life, Balance
Group of female dentists gathered together to chat about an array of issues relevant to women in dental profession (clinical aspects, social and family life).
Informal Whatsapp and Facebook Groups
Dentists gather in online groups where they discuss stressors, MH resources and other issues.
Professional Coaching
A resource available to dentists who want to have an edge in their life and their practice. Whether you want to learn to say “no” to your limited time schedule, clean out the clutter out in your life, reconnect with what’s most important to you, find meaning in your work, or more balance in your life, a personal coach can help you do it.
Meditation against stress
Yogadentist.ca offers some tips on meditation and resources for those who plan to meditate in a high-tech way.