Trousse d’outils pour le bien-être et la santé mentale en milieu de travail

Evidence Base:

This resource is created by an accredited healthcare organization ( Alberta Health Services)

Relevance To Canadian Context:

In the beginning of the document, they set up the context for this kind of toolkit by citing some stats. For instance, 26.3% of employed Albertians find their job quite a bit or extremely stressful. They also talk about some benefits of psychological well-being promotion such as reduction in presenteeism and absenteeism, reductions in stress, etc.

Other Important Information:

Education and training are important parts of strategies suggested in the manual.


Protégeons la santé mentale au travail


Détresse morale chez les travailleurs de la santé pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 : guide sur les blessures morales